The Midwood Files will return next for SURE! Still have some recuperating to do. Thanks for prayers and love!
Author Archive: lfmidwood
The Midwood Files April 16, 2023
The Midwood Files return next week. LF’s a bit under the weather, mentally, physically, just needs a bit of rest and love. Thanks:)
The Midwood Files April 9, 2023
Tonite we celebrated LF’s birthday. We’re grateful for all of you and also, you missed the best homemade meatballs ever. We wished you were here anyway.
The Midwood Files April 2, 2023
This is an official notice from The Midwood Files that we are NOT restricted! We intend to continue ‘acting’ just as we have been. Maybe worse. Its not our fault, we went to public school. We’ll see. Just in case you wondered.
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