The Midwood Files April 2, 2023

This is an official notice from The Midwood Files that we are NOT restricted! We intend to continue ‘acting’ just as we have been. Maybe worse. Its not our fault, we went to public school. We’ll see. Just in case you wondered.

Watch the Video archive on Rumble by clicking here.

The Midwood Files March 26, 2023

Midwood still cares about the planet only now he also cares about Rumble; as should you. Get over there. I’m the Producer just do what I say.(which never happens. He always does at least one thing that makes me go ‘ew’.) Midwood cares about you as well. Just don’t make him prove it.

The Midwood Files March 19, 2023

The show was live tonite on Rumble. Just check out the link on the side to see video, yep video! This was Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride day and if any of you as much as THINK about touching anything in the studio for any reason whatsoever, well we probably won’t notice because honestly, it was as if we were fighting SkyNet. (Leave me alone if you want to survive.)