Things that didn’t happen: any end times apocalypse ever, global warming (cuz there’s a movie sequel), and things that should happen like teenage girls sent out into outer space. They would be on their phones anyway so who would notice?!
The Midwood Files September 29, 2019
Midwood got probed! But that’s what happens when you go to the hospital. They fixed him so no worries, but we don’t wanna do THAT again thank you!
The Midwood Files September 22, 2019
Midwood talks DHS, Social Media purges, being a white nationalist, and brisket. Antifa isn’t getting any.
The Midwood Files September 15, 2019
Adventures in acid with LF Midwood, Scooby Doo is old enough to join AARP, thieves in the temple of oxy, and other ruh-rohs.
Sincerely, thank you all for your prayers and love. Felt!