We here at The Midwood Files intend to celebrate Columbus Day with alotta meatballs and sausages. OK yeah the food too. Have a good one or else. Capiche?! (I’m just a little white girl with a bit of a Texas accent so ya know this sort of talk makes my mouth feel funny. Feed me.
Category Archives: Webcast
The Midwood Files October 2, 2022
This week lets all focus on those in need in Florida and other states hit by hurricane Ian, with a big dose of gratitude on the side.
The Midwood Files September 25, 2022
“A Dingo ate my podcast!” Tech troubles for those of you who have to google “dingo”. Back next week.
The Midwood Files September 18, 2022
Be like LF. Pay attention! OMG – I suddenly had a flash of an ebook filled with Midwood inspirational messages. Oh wait, they all contain the F word.