The Midwood Files and lotsa Kappy files. Hollywood pedophelia is NOT a new movie. Also, Obama-gate for well ok everyone. (The producer thinks his mom signed his Constitutional Lawyer diploma.)
Author Archive: lfmidwood
The Midwood Files May 10, 2020
Something’s not quite right in Covid land, and the best darn version of Desolation Row you ever freaking heard.
The Midwood Files May 3, 2020
Midwood talks tech and being railroaded, all while doing the Texas 2-step to some good ol’ honky tonk tunes ya’ll. (and no he didn’t actually say “ya’ll”.)
The Midwood Files April 26, 2020
Even The Great Beast Of The Talkpopolypse has to wear a mask. So shutup and suit-up. Buy a better one when you get your hush mon… I mean stimulus check. Interesting news as well. See? Time well spent listening because we said so.