The Midwood Files: Listen and learn alternate definitions of words like “nationalist”, “militia”, “nazi”. What you think you know about Russia, Ukraine and Putin from listening to American news, ya don’t.
Author Archive: lfmidwood
The Midwood Files February 20, 2022
The Midwood Files doesn’t want you to catch anything other than a slight buzz while you think on all the craziness around us. Puff puff pass and get out the headphones.
The Midwood Files February 13, 2022
Lf Midwood and The Producer together again, warms your heart right? Or at least enlarges it a bit. Happy Valentines to all.
The Midwood Files February 6, 2022
The Midwood Files is giving you lots to think about, whether you want to or not. Plus Marty Robbins cuz you need to soothe your ears from all that crap you kids call music nowadays.