Soon. Very soon. We promise. Take that any way you want but LF will see you next week anyway. What?! You don’t think he can see through screens?! Bet you checked your webcam cover just now didn’t you?
Author Archive: lfmidwood
The Midwood Files June 12, 2022
Two hospital visits within 48 hours later, our LF is home and recuperating nicely. He will be continuing to recover this weekend, and enjoying as much pampering as he will allow the Producer to give. Or at least Gatorade and Jello. Thank you all for much love and prayers.
The Midwood Files June 5, 2022
LF looks forward to talking at yas next week. Love to all. Well, most.
The Midwood Files May 26, 2022
The Midwood Files wishes you a peaceful Memorial Day. Prayers and love to LF please, still not feeling ghreat! Thank you for being you.